Tuesday, February 28, 2012

As the Skylark Sings - Osaka Part 4

Hi hi....Skylark is back and she'll continue on with the adventures in Osaka.

From Osaka Castle, we walked some distance to the Osaka Castle Port Peer. For a while I wasn't too sure if we were heading for the right place. There were signages but the walk seemed too long.

We finally found the peer; checked at the ticket counter and the guy told us that the cruise had just left and the next one would arrive in 15 mins. While waiting we "refueled" - lunch was some light sandwiches I packed earlier that morning.

Our seat on the sightseeing Aqua Liner.

Happy faces riding through the water metropolis

Buildings on the banks of the Okawa River

A tea house

More buildings came to view as we rode on the aqua liner

One of the bridges

Our stop Temmobashi Port

In the background - the State Library

Turbulent Core

cold gash becomes
whispers despair
the heart hurts

unruffled flow
glances sparkles
pain withdraws

words hushed
embrace lingers
memories treasured

*I scribbled this haiku during the trip but improved it after I got home.

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