Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stress Buster

Just me ranting away here. It's blazing hot out there. But panas lagi hati ku ini. Suffice to say that there's tonnes to do in such a short time. I have a big proposal due on Friday. Actually come to think of it, why did I do this onto myself?? I could have negotiated for a better deadline. Ni takkk...dengan selamba nya, set a date which I know will sprout more grays in the hair.

And the stress led me towards these heavenly Rocky Road Nutty Chip Cookies just now at tea break!!! So if lepas ni jika membesar lagi waist line, I'd consider the act as "self inflicted". Only had four pieces, so kira boleh ampun tak???


Naz in Norway said...

I'm hungry, still waiting for dinner to be served (by myself lah...but kids belum habis hw) these cookies are truly mengancam. Kalau lah boleh rasa.....slurp! :p

Kak Teh said...

kay, i nak langkah kanan untuk makan your cookies will take forever. Will be away for a bit - am off to land of tulips and cheese and clogs and then to gay paree - alas ts work but who knows might even blog from there. meanwhile, take care.

kay_leeda said...


I just had dinner. Bibik buat sup ekor!!! How lah?? How lah??

Nak cookies?? Tungguuuu..... :))

kay_leeda said...

Kak Teh,

Inshaallah there will be a langkah kanan for you :)

Ohhh how nice you are going of on a break!! You have a good time Kak. If you could blog from wherever you will be, wooo..that would be great.

Am also going away for about 2 weeks. Not time to announce it yet. Will do it when things are more settled next week.

ray said...

Komen Pak Malim, kucing ray yg alim.

Can I have some warm milk along with the cookie, please? kata Pak Malim yg kena tangkap dengan polis. (Pak Malim kena tangkap atas kesalahan mencuri cookie di rumah Kay).

wanshana said...

Rocky Road Nutty Nuts Chips Cookies and Sup Ekor?!! Fuyoooo!!! Memang confirm hilang semua stress :)

Relax, Kay...Breathe in...breathe out... :)

kay_leeda said...

Pak Malim kucing ray yang alim,

Kesalahan mencuri cookies, bukan lah kesalahan besar, cuma nanti Bibik denda suruh gi beli garam kasar kat pasar.

You want milk? Ohh for sure Pak Malim, if that keeps you going, I'll ensure that you have it coming :)

kay_leeda said...


Memang lega kepala ku yang serabut nih :) Now feeling so guilty with the over eating..grrrr.

Every night pasang niat to get up early and go for morning walk...erghhh...tak de makna nye!!

mamasita said...

Stress buster yang sangat popular! Eat!But Kay, cookies takbuat you gemuklah! Just make you bertambah2 sweeter!

Tumpang lalu..hai KT..seronoknya dengar you're going off to Holland and Paris! Enjoy!

Kay? You'll be away too? Ahh..will miss you loads!

kay_leeda said...

Dear Mamasita,

Sweet ..memang teramat sweet!! Montel muka kita tau jadik nyer :))

Yup, will be away...shhyyyy, kan hari tu dah bagi tau. Keep mum dulu okay :)

MrsNordin said...

Hey, setakat Rocky Road Cookies macam ni, tak kan mengembanglah waist line you...! Hope you'll get the work done for tmrw!

tireless mom said...

Siblings telepathy. Had Famous Amos Macadamia Nuts Choc Chip Cookie yesterday. Bantai lah labu. Janji sedap and PUAS!

Madam Tai Tai Again said...


Cookies tu sungguh mengoncangkan iman dieting ku!! Where did you get them? Looks so yummilicious!

kay_leeda said...

Dear MrsN,

They will!!!! Yesterday was the cookies, today was sago gula melaka. Don't know what tomorrow will be...adoi!! Me and my sweet cravings. How lah???

kay_leeda said...


Yar lorrrr....hantam saja lah labuuuu....expanded waist line, redha je lah kan :)

Ohhh tonite I hope I don't burst my sugar craze. To get to KUMON, I hv to pass Baskin Robbins.

kay_leeda said...

Madam Tai Tai,

Heh..heh...the cookies?? Emmpppp...I MADE them the nite before. Am now into this cookie baking kemaruk-ness. I bake I eat. So how????