I've been walking almost everyday last week. I'd walk for about 45mins, doing between 3-4 kms, Took a break on Thursday coz I had to travel to Seremban for a meeting. Nissa has been pushing me to do my exercise. She was with me during one of my visits to the doctor and she's like repeating what the doctor advised me like an old broken record. The reverse is happening huh? Selalunya Mak nag kat anak, ni anak pulak yang nag kat Mak.
Anyway, it's good that she has challenged me to get my exercise regime going. Actually boleh, cuma at times, giving all sorts of excuses to not get going - rain lah, headache lah, penat lah and my all time favourite is "i need my sleep".
The elder children have also chipped in to encourage this Mom to get herself going. They loaded songs (read: their songs) on my iPod, really upbeat and makes one feel like dancing!! I have now hot, hot companions streaming down my system while I struggle that long 4 km.
So, if you spot me going extra hyper during my walk, this "number" could just be the reason.
The elder children have also chipped in to encourage this Mom to get herself going. They loaded songs (read: their songs) on my iPod, really upbeat and makes one feel like dancing!! I have now hot, hot companions streaming down my system while I struggle that long 4 km.
So, if you spot me going extra hyper during my walk, this "number" could just be the reason.