Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Curtain Closes on ASEAN Camp

Finally, the ASEAN camp came to a close; last Friday night to be exact. Happy moments for everyone - kids and all of us who worked day and night preparing for the camp, ensuring that everything went as planned.

Venue of the crumble dia....adei boleh jatuh kerusi!!!

1 ASEAN community spirit

Joget dikkk...jangan tak joget!! Group performance for the Minister - ASEAN Joget Lambak

The closing was a grand event, no doubt. With this client of ours, "things" are always done in fashion and fashionably right. Anyway, I'm so, so glad that it's all over. My team is to do a post-mortem on our role during the ASEAN camp. Kinda difficult to get ourselves focused right now, as everyone is exhausted and we just want to lay low and spend the last two weeks of the year in peace (read: me as the boss wants to have some quiet time to myself!!)

I have somewhat caught up with my sleep. It was sleep and more sleep over the weekend. And I took off Monday to get stuffs for the girls for my niece's upcoming wedding. Again, my dear uncle has requested that I help him with the speech. Bolehhhh....saya suka buat kerja-kerja gini..heh..heh. It helps defuse all these office madness.

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to cook up any holiday plans this year. Unlike the last two years when we had a family holiday to look forward to, this year there is none!! Sedih juga bila dah penat-penat and not going anywhere to chill out. Faris has gone camping with his friends and that leaves me with the two girls' holidaying needs to look into. Well, maybe I could still squeeze kan a few nights in some island somewhere, we'll see how lah.

Wonder who is the proud owner of this one? She's one of the beauties at the cat show.

And another beauty.....

Anyway, Nissa shouldn't have anything to complain about as we got her another kitten at the cat show last weekend. She was feeling down as the other little kittens didn't make it. I don't quite know what happened but many died; only Petra and Luna are still surviving. I suspect it was some kind of infection that got to all of them and made them weak and finally succumbing to whatever that they had. Nissa said that all of them had gone to heaven to wait for her. Yeah.....kucing tu memang lah gi heaven Cik Nissa....but if you don't work hard to go to heaven yourself, you won't get to meet them okay!!

This new cat that we got, Chitty (which means naughty in Burmese) is one very playful kid. Another girl about 4 months old, but she's kinda big for her age. The people from PAWS said that she's a domestic cat, but I suspect there's some mix lineage somewhere. But...gosh, Chitty is one very active cat, practically jumping and running all aver the house. She stays indoors as the others have not made friends with her yet. That would be Nissa's immediate task to "rapatkan" all of them.

So there you have it....just in case you've been wondering where have I disappeared to; the sudden silence in blogspace. It's chill and cat time for me as for now.........


mamasita said...

Hey Nissa..make sure nobody tersasul panggil dia Shitty..hehe..aunty usik2 jer you! Comel lah kucing baru you tu!!

btw..tortieshell tu memang cute.
Yang putih macam polar bear tu sape punya?

kay_leeda said...

Har..har...Mamasita the lil one is now called "chitty, chitty bang, bang" Sah tak muat nak tulis dlm surat beranak!!

Ohhh...yg tu tortieshell?? I mana lah hafal they all ni semua. Not sure who they belong to, I suppose there were owners names on the cage. They all so cantik kan :)

Kak Ezza@makcik Blogger said...


ada orang kata lah...anak kucing jangan di ambil gambar nya semasa kecik...macam kena sumpah lah..sure mati punya...itu kata orang laa...I pun tak sure,,

nampak nya kucing2 akan sentiasa mendoa kan keluarga tou...itu pun kata orang laaa...tapi i rasa yang ni betul...

kay_leeda said...

Kak Ezza,

Saya rasa memang betul apa yg orang kata tentang ambil gambar tu. Ni kucing tu tak habis meneran I dah upload gambar kat FB...ada kaa?? Kalu lah kucing tu boleh cakap, sah-sah saya ni kena sound!!

Sungguh lah excited nya kami nak berkucing kan... :)

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Kay,
Another cat? You didn't even tell me about the deaths! I have to say I have to disagree with the myth about taking photos of kittens etc. In our family, everyone has been photo-ed, paw marks taken, microchipped, desexed, you name it! What did the vet say about the kittens?
Oh well, welcome to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Yeah, what a long name. But still shorter than Michael Schumacher Kidman-Cruise, that's my nephew Michael (Tom's son) who lives in Malaysia. That's what written in his birth cert. purrr....meow!

kay_leeda said...

Dear Cat-in-Sydney,

I was heart broken like Nissa too, that it took me a while to get over deaths of the lil ones. It felt as if I wasn't a good Grammama to them. And I was very busy too, hence, very little attention was given to the babies :( I know, bad of me kan....

Wooo..yr uncle surely knows how to give long names!! We now have two with mouthful names - LunaChentaLestari & si Chitty Chitty Bang Bang tu!! I cringe if ever I have to take them to the vet and have the nurse call them by their full names.