Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Seeking Solace

It’s been 5 days since the first day of the fasting. Alhamdullillah…everything is going fine. Work is not as hectic as the before the start of Ramadan. My working hours are now from 8.00am to 4.30pm. Leaving the office early helps beat the evening traffic rush… everyone seems to be leaving early these days. I guess just like me, most of us want to be home to break fast with the family.

Like the previous years, we normally perform our taraweh prayers at the Shah Alam mosque. This year, Nissa, my youngest has showed her interest in coming along with us to the mosque.

Seeing the mosque filled with jemaah gives the spiritual drive to devote to the Almighty. After all, this is the month where we enter into a period of discipline and worship. I read somewhere the word taraweh comes from an Arabic word which means to rest and relax.

The taraweh prayers at the Shah Alam mosque is conducted 20 rakaat plus 3 rakaat of witir to close the solat for the evening. Some of the jemaahs perform 8 rakaat…there are no hard and fast rule on this. Most importantly, one performs the prayers sincerely from the heart.

As for me…in this blessed month, I want to keep the soul and mind pure to draw closer to Allah – the Most Perfect. Most of all, I pray for His mercy and forgiveness….

May Allah grant us all true solace and comfort, Amen.

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