In the past few days, I can't recall on the number of times I have been sounding like an old broken record in reminding my two girls about keeping safe.
My exact specific words were "If ANYONE...male, female, young or old, in whatever colour and shape, comes close to you and offers you sweets, chocolates, ice-creams, soft drinks or ANYTHING, DO NOT accept. If ANYONE you don't know comes close and asks you to follow them, DO NOT go with them. RUN....SCREAM....ATTRACT attention!!"
This stern warning came especially more frequent after the horrific and heinous murder and rape of Nurin Jazlin.
This morning a friend (thanks... Ita) sent this via email. One can never be too careful these days. We just don't know who our enemies are.
I thought it would be good to share this doa with all of you out there.My exact specific words were "If ANYONE...male, female, young or old, in whatever colour and shape, comes close to you and offers you sweets, chocolates, ice-creams, soft drinks or ANYTHING, DO NOT accept. If ANYONE you don't know comes close and asks you to follow them, DO NOT go with them. RUN....SCREAM....ATTRACT attention!!"
This stern warning came especially more frequent after the horrific and heinous murder and rape of Nurin Jazlin.
This morning a friend (thanks... Ita) sent this via email. One can never be too careful these days. We just don't know who our enemies are.
Doa to prevent from rape (and other evils)
“Ya Allah, sekiranya Engkau mengetahui bahawa anak perempuanku beriman denganMu dan RasulMu, dan dia memelihara kehormatannya hanya untuk suaminya, maka janganlah biarkan dia menjadi mangsa orang kafir dan orang zalim”.
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