Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rezeki Ramadan

Whilst it's very common amongst some of my bachelor staff, I have never done it before - iftar at the mosque. When asked if the food is good, their reply would be, "Used to be better last time. Now barang mahal, so portion is smaller."

El Mursi Abul Abbas Mosque, Alexandria, Egypt

Well, I told them that they should be thankful as there are Hamba Allah who are generous enough to sedekah iftar to them. Cukup memadai untuk melepaskan rasa lapar dan dahaga ketika berpuasa dan free lagi; they should all be so bersyukur.

Each night before the start of terawikh prayers at the Shah Alam mosque, we see cleaners dutifully performing their tasks at cleaning the mess from the earlier iftar. Loads of rubbish in black garbage bags are hauled onto their lorries for disposal. I believe the SA mosque has its program for iftar with orphanages, old folks homes, government offices and also the ordinary public. All I believe are sedekah from individuals and organizations. Alhamdullilah.

Ayoubids design at El Mursi Abul Abbas Mosque. Minarets are 73m high.

One would know if there was a "berbuka besar" at the mosque when the car park is all full, and lines of vehicles parked haphazardly along the roads - resulting a bad crawl for jemaahs like us who head for terawikh. The management of SA mosque has no doubt deployed extra hands at manning the traffic, but you know how it is with our people lah - puasa or no puasa.

Anyway, that's the least of my irk. What bothers me most is when I see many of those who have gone for iftar at the mosque earlier are making their exit at the call of the azan. Ohhh....orang berlumba-lumba nak gi solat and dia berlumba-lumba nak pulang, and to the mosque just for the free meal?? Regrettably, this is what I see happening at the SA mosque Ramadan after Ramadan....sigh.

Interior of the mosque

I am refraining myself from elaborating my thoughts and comments on what I saw. Biarlah apa yang dilihat dijadikan iktibar only onto myself.

The mimbar

Note to myself - Yang baik itu kita jadikan tauladan dan yang buruk itu dijadikan sempadan.

~Kelebihan Memberi Makan Ketika Berbuka Puasa Diriwayatkan daripada Zaid bin Khalid al-Juhaniy r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Sesiapa yang menjemput orang yang berpuasa untuk berbuka, dia akan mendapat pahala sebagaimana pahala orang yang berpuasa itu tanpa mengurangkan sedikitpun pahala orang yang berpuasa tersebut."~


Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty Kay,
What a sad state of affair. And that's not including the wastage after such big iftars. Mama's missing her moments of iftar in Masjidil Haram last year. Hmmm.... just dates and Arabic coffee. Syukur... roar! roar! roar!

the principal said...

kat our surau, everyday, setiap jalan kat kaw yg dekat dgn surau take turn beri sumbangan

kay_leeda said...

Dear CatIS,

Indeed it is. Here we are so lavish at iftar and the flood victims in Pakistan for example have not seen food for days!! Something is not right somewhere don't you think so?

Ohhh yesss...iftar at Masjidil Haram with dates & spiced tea - how could one forget. Another favourite of mine is the laban!! Org lain tak makan, so I get to keep the ones being sedekah to them. Haiii...rindu nak ke sana lagi....

kay_leeda said...

Madam Principal,

I think that same practice is also done here. Since we perform terawikh at the mosque most of the time, tak dapat nak join the iurau iftar or morey.

KG said...

salam kay,

ramadan is just like any other day for us, cuma makan dinner ada dessert! and we like to keep it tt way...tapi pun i tak pi lagi tarawikh...the kecik kecik masih bergantung dekat kain telekung....