What's Raya to the children without bungapi lah kan. From those hand held thin sparking stick bungapi to mercun pop-pop to those of national day celebration equivalent, the children just didn't seem to have enough. I am particularly not in favour of bungapi and mercun what nots. But setakat nak bakar sikit-sikit and with adult supervision, the children are allowed to have their wish list fulfilled.
Farah, TM's Aliah & latest member to the family Baby Umai
Those were the children's enthusiastic looks on malam Raya. On the third day of Raya, they all sat scared stiff in front of the telly watching "Congkak".
haha klaka je sume tgk citer congkak.
although siang but menakutkn.haha.
Akak...boleh dengar lagi kan derang jerit masa tengok citer tu!! Entah apa-apa kan budak-budak kecik tu:D But you oso jerit kan..heh..heh LOL
aunty klakar ah tgk gmbr alina tu.btul ckp kakya,siang but menakutkan.
akak tak pernah dapat tengok sampai habis citer ni walau pun banyak kali di ulang tapi yang pasti nya mesti dengar jeritan cemas tak kira malam ke siang...ada jugak yang menyorok balik langsir...rasa nya berjaya jugak citer ni menakut kan orang ya...
Kak Lyn,
Ha ...gambar alina lah yg paling classic!! Muka mcm suspence je. Ni belum tgk mlm-mlm. Agak nyer kalu u all tgk mlm-mlm mesti ader yg mengigau tak leh tido :D
Kak Ezza,
Saya pun tak tgk sgt cerita ni. But that day bdk-bdk semua nyer dok sibuk nak tgk. Duduk lah kejap melayan. Boleh tahan gak "terkejut-terkejut" nyer. But pd saya tak de yg boleh lawan cerita orang minyak dulu tu. Memang menakutkan yg amat :)
Aunty Kay,
Ghost story on Eid? teeheehee...what a way to celebrate. We don't have those sparklers here. Will have to wait for New Year's eve to get a decent firework in this country. Eid Mubarak to you and yours. Still not too late, right? meow!
Salam Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir Batin kay!
I was looking for a pic of the children playing congkak daaa... harharhar...tipah tertipu!
Looks like you all had fun during raya. ALhamdulillah...
3 more weeks of Raya to go?
Dear Cat-in-Sydney,
Eid Mubarak to you to!! So did Mummy serve you with anything special?
Ohhh poor you, no sparkles. Even as I write, there are loud sounds from firecrackers outside, and it's the 10th raya mind you.
Is it still dusty outside Cat? Hope you & Mummy are ok.
Ohh tipah tertipu? Tidakkk...sorry to hv led you on. Hope I'm not too late to congratulate you on yr latest addition. Sukaaaaaa.... Bet you already hv lotsa pink around huh.
Take care IBU. And enjoy the lil one :)
I pun dok ingat cerita budak2 main bungapi dan congkak! Tak tau pulak ada horror movie titled congkak..(sighh.. sentiasa ketinggalan zaman)
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