Both ABE's and mine are in....KUALA PILAH (KP) lah where else. Actually this is where our parents are from. Lucky us coz we still have Pak Ngahs, Mak Langs and Mak Ciks who live in the traditional kampungs.
On the first day of Raya we went back to both our kampungs. ABE's in Sri Menanti and mine in Juasseh. Ooooo...where on earth is that?? Well, Sri Menanti is the royal town of the Yang Di Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan (and there's a golf course there as well!!!) while Juasseh is a small kampung one would pass on the way to Bahau.
My late father's kampung house
Driving along the state road to Kuala Pilah for Raya these days is so different from the times when I was a little girl way back in the 70's. Today, the road is swampped with cars bearing out of town plat numbers. Nampak nyer ramai dah orang Pilah yang dah berhijrah ke luar KP :-)
Cars lined in the crawl up Bukit Putus
Like Raya of the previous years, there would always be a traffic jam on the second day of Raya. A jam as long at 5 - 6 kms if one is not lucky. This year there was even an announcement on the radio about the jam in KP. When I heard that..I couldn't help but say..."yah, that's my kampung alrite".
This was how slow we had to drive in the jam up Bukit Putus.
Like Raya of the previous years, there would always be a traffic jam on the second day of Raya. A jam as long at 5 - 6 kms if one is not lucky. This year there was even an announcement on the radio about the jam in KP. When I heard that..I couldn't help but say..."yah, that's my kampung alrite".
Way to go orghang Sonanti, Jomapuh, Tanjung Ipoh and Toghrachi...moh kito balik Pilah rghamai-rghamai...
1 comment:
balik bukit putus memeningkan kepala.
nak muntah.
tp besh dpt pegy beraya.
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