Thursday, January 13, 2011

Headaches Again

Goodness...I never expected it to be that high!! Hundred and fifty over hundred is very high!! That was the reading of my blood pressure on last week.

The entire night I didn’t get a wink of sleep. Restless and irritated; I kept tossing and turning as I pulled my blanket, longing for better comfort. My head was throbbing and body felt feverish. My very stormy stomach caused me to throw up a couple of times.

Surprisingly, the yellow pain relief pills – Ms Cafergots which I washed down an hour ago didn’t now have any effect on my splitting headache. I had this fiery image of my brains sizzling on a hotplate - generated heat from shocks caused by the electrifying pain.

I had been sick before – but never this sick.

The next morning, at the clinic, the doctor informed me that my blood pressure was high and that too was the cause of my excruciating headache.

“What’s happening?” she asked with much concern. “Work?”

“Yes….and a couple of other matters…”

Doc R gave me a very disappointed look. Okay…okay…I know, I haven’t been religiously following the exercise and diet plans she recommended (and I know I deserve a lecture….)

That was the scene at the clinic last week with me so stressed and sick. Doc R sent me home with these words drummed into my head – REST and HANDS OF WORK.

Yesterday when I went for my follow up visit, my condition was much better and when we reviewed my medical tests, Doc R was some what satisfied with the results. And most importantly the BP is almost back to normal. Fuhh…what a relief. Thank God, everything inside me is still intact – as reflected in the three page report.

When I later compared the present medical report to the previous, I only have this to say to myself – WORK OUT HARDER THIS YEAR!!

And I seriously must ensure my killer migraines don’t return too.

Reduce the coffee, tea….chocolates etc etc. Urghhhh…..


rohaizahabas said...

Akak tau macam mana kamu rasa...dulu akak pun pernah begitu..sakit kepala. malam tak boleh tido..tekak loya , badan letih...pergi check doktor rupa nya bp 190/120...
Masa tu tgh mengandung kan Mimi..dan dah kandungan dah kena beranak cara emengency laa....

Bila dah meningkat usia, macam macam penyakit nak singgah..apa lagi dengan beban kerja kamu yang padat not to be very stress..after all..kesihatan tu harta yang sangat penting..kalau tak sihat..macam mana nak kerja dan pi RT..kan kan kan!!!

kay_leeda said...

Dear Kak Ezza,

Thanks for your advice. Tu lah kan...kena take it easy with the work commitments kan. Kalau dah sakit, tak boleh kerja dgn baik pun, iyer tak?

RT??? Ohhhh.....takut dgn perkataan itu :O