Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME!!

February 19th was my birthday. Since it was still the Chinese New Year holidays, it was a quiet celebration for me. I don’t fancy having “bangs” on birthdays anyway.

With Abe still in Kota Kinabalu, I decided to go back to Mom’s house in Seremban… at least my sisters would be there. I was hoping for no surprises but I sensed something was cooking when my niece Aliah called my daughter a few times to check if we were going back to Seremban that day.

True enough…at almost nearing tea time, the children brought out a cake and started singing Happy Birthday at the top of their lungs. There were all 9 of them. It sounded like a school choir…with pitchy tunes here and there. Well…children…they are always happy and merry.

So I blew the candle with my little girl and my two younger nephews Alim and Ilham. We cut the ice-cream cake and passed it around. It was good…but even better to my already expanded waist line ;-(

My wish this year is to stay cool and calm in everything that I do and also to be strong in facing the challenges ahead. I’d like to keep healthy and will definitely try to shed off the few extra KGs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
